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To create partnerships and exchange concerning the revitalisation of the

 Japan is one of the foremost forest nations. The planted forests that were created after the war enhanced opportunities to use domestically produced wood as well as moving into a full-scale use period and the regeneration of forestry and the revitalisation of the forestry products industry are a reality.
 However, there are still many issues in this reality and it is essential to create new value while having mutual partnerships and cooperation with the distribution and wood processing companies that connect upstream forestry, downstream forestry products industry and woody biomass.
 With the theme of forestry and biomass, the first International Wood Fair was held in May 2017. In 2019, the exhibition has reborn as "FORESTRISE Innovative & Integrative Woods Industries" with the desire to integrate forestry, wood industry and woody biomass, that have in common forestry resources.
 At the same time as gathering together all the advanced products and technology from Japan and overseas that are indispensable to the development of the “forest industry” as a whole, the exhibition will promote next-generation technology such as ICT/IoT, drones, AI and robots.
 Seminars aiming to find solutions to practical issues, knowledge acquisition and study will be held, attracting many industry-related people. The seminars will encourage people in all sorts of positions to exchange and, by providing opportunities to think about the forest industry laterally, will support the revitalisation of the whole industry from the side lines.

Event Outline

Exhibition Name: FORESTRISE 2019 Innovative & Integrative Woods Industries
Dates: August 1 (Thu) – August 3 (Sat), 2019 10:00 – 17:00
Venue: Big Hat / Wakasato Hall (3-22-2 Wakasato, Nagano-shi, Nagano, Japan)
Organizer: The Nihon Kogyo Shimbun, Co., Ltd. (Fuji Sankei Business-i)
Special Partners:

Klagenfurter Messe Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.

Nagano Prefecture

Advantage Austria (Austrian Embassy-Commercial Section)

Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
National Land Afforesation Promotion Organization
Forest Research and Management Organization
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Japan Forest Foundation
Forest Economic Research Institute
National Federation of Forest Owners
Forestculture Japan
Japan Forestry Association
Japan Federation of Wood-industry Associations
Forest Management Association of Japan
Japan Forest Technology Association
Japan Cross Laminated Timber Association
Japan Organics Recycling Association
Japan Woody Bioenergy Association
Japan Wood Pellet Association
Japan District Heating & Cooling Association
Forest Stewardship Council® Japan
Sustainable Green Ecosystem Council (SGEC/PEFC Japan)
Japan Institute of Energy
Japan Wood Research Society
Japan Forest Engineering Society
Forestry and Timber Manufacturing Safety & Health Association
Nagano Prefecture Federation of Lumber Cooperatives
Planning Partner: FOREST MEDIA WORKS Inc.
Entrance Fee: free (pre-registration required / invitation required at door)
Concurrent Exhibition: Biomass Expo 2019 Nagano

The International Wood Fair will be reborn as FORESTRISE Innovative & Integrative Woods Industries 2019 for its second outing.

Innovative & Integrative Woods Industries build the next generation that use new technology such as ICT/IoT, drones, AI and robots as well as advanced skills and know-how from overseas. As one industry, the forest industry, encompasses and develops forestry, the forestry products industry and, further, woody biomass utilisation, that have their foundations in forest resources together. We hope it will be a combination of exhibitors that promotes products, technology and activities and an exhibition where visitors can exchange about forests.

FORESTRISE is an amalgamation of two words: forest from forest industry and rise from sunrise, people rising, quantities rising, prices rising and the rise of something (as in its beginning). It was created in the hope of regenerating and revitalising the forest industry.

Pronunciation: fɔ́(ː)rəstráiz